

Romein, C.A. (2021), Protecting the fatherland. Lawsuits and political debates in Jülich, Hesse-Cassel and Brittany 1642-1655 (Cham).

  • Studies in the History of Law and Justice, #20.
  • Studies presented to the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions/ Études présentées à la commission Internationale pour l’Histoire des Assemblées d’États, #103.
  • Open Access:

Edited Volume(s)

Brandon, P., Heerma van Voss, L., Romein, C.A. (2022), The Early Modern State: Drivers, Beneficiaries and Discontents. Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Marjolein ’t Hart (London/ New York).

Special Issue(s)

Härter, K., Romein, C. A., & Wüst, W. B. (2024). Gute Policey in early modern rural areas: local societies, police ordinances and digital methods. Journal for digital legal history.

C.A. Romein, L. Doak, H. Parker, J. Weston (March 2022), Special Issue History: Public History, Volume 107, Issue 375; pp. 207-450.

Articles | Peer-reviewed

Härter, K., Romein, C. A., & Wüst, W. B. (2024). Gute Policey in early modern rural areas: local societies, police ordinances and digital methods. Journal for digital legal history.

Romein, C. Annemieke, Tobias Hodel, Femke Gordijn, Joris J. van Zundert, Alix Chagué, Milan van Lange, Helle Strandgaard Jensen, et al. ‘Exploring Data Provenance in Handwritten Text Recognition Infrastructure: Sharing and Reusing Ground Truth Data, Referencing Models, and Acknowledging Contributions. Starting the Conversation on How We Could Get It Done’. Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities, 11 March 2024.

Romein, C. A., Wagner, A., & Van zundert, J. J. (2023). Building and Deploying a Classification Schema using Open Standards and Technology. Journal for digital legal history, 2(1).

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F., de Gruijter, M. (2020), The Datafication of Early Modern Ordinances, DHBenelux 2: .

Romein, C.A., Kemman, M., Birkholz, J.M., Baker, J., de Gruijter, M., Meroño-Peñuela, A., Ries, T., Ros, R. & Scagliola, S. (2020). State of the field: Digital History. History. doi: 10.1111/1468-229X.12969

Romein, C.A. (2019). Blood Sports and Festivities in Normative Provincial Publications. Nieuwe Tijdingen, 3, 121-136.

C.A. Romein, “Fatherland Rhetoric and the ‘threat of absolutism’: Hesse-Cassel and the Reichskammergericht (1646-1655)” The Seventeenth Century 29:3 (2014), pp. 277-292.

C.A. Romein, ‘Gulik: dynastieke belangen, oorlog en welvaart. De woordkeuze van de getrouwe patriot 1642-1652.’ Handelingen van de Koninklijke Zuid-Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Taal- en Letterkunde en Geschiedenis. Jaargang 68 (2015), pp. 139-150.

Articles | Review articles

C. A. Romein (2022) Early modern state formation or gute Policey? The good order of the community, The Seventeenth Century, 37:6, 1031-1056, DOI: 10.1080/0268117X.2022.2111339

Romein, C.A. (2021), ‘Booming Business. Communication, Print and Advertisement in the Seventeenth Century.’ The Seventeenth Century

Articles | International (non-peer reviewed)

Romein, C.A., (2020), ‘Jülicher Patrioten am Ende des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (1642–1652). Die Verwendung der Vaterland-Terminologie im 17. Jahrhundert.‘ Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter 2021, pp 80-102.

Book chapters | Peer-reviewed

Brandon, P., Romein, C.A. and Heerma van Voss, L. (2022), ‘Introduction: The Early Modern State: Drivers, Beneficiaries, and Discontents’. In: Brandon, P., Heerma van Voss, L., Romein, C.A., The Early Modern State: Drivers, Beneficiaries and Discontents. Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Marjolein ’t Hart (London/ New York), pp. 1-14.

Romein, C.A. (2022), ‘The Formative Role of Early Modern Books of Ordinances: The Low Countries and Their Overseas Lands’, In: Brandon, P., Heerma van Voss, L., Romein, C.A., The Early Modern State: Drivers, Beneficiaries and Discontents. Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Marjolein ’t Hart (London/ New York), pp. 89-112.

Romein, C.A. (2020). How Local Politics Became a Matter of Transregional Concern. German and Dutch Pamphlets Calling Jülich Nobility to Assemble in Cologne, 1642-1651. In B. De Ridder, V. Soen, W. Thomas & S. Verreyken (Eds.), Transregional Territories: Crossing Borders in the Early Modern Low Countries and Beyond (pp. 131-151). Turnhout: Brepols.

C.A. Romein,“Vaterland, patria und Patriot in den Rechtsangelegenheiten Hessen-Kassels (1647-1655)”, in: A. Denzler, E. Franke & B. Schneider (Eds.), Prozessakten, Parteien, Partikularinteressen Höchstgerichtsbarkeit in der Mitte Europas vom 15. bis 19. Jahrhundert (bibliothek altes Reich, 17). (Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 2015), pp. 117–136.DOI Chapter:

C.A. Romein, ‘Fatherland rhetoric and the nobility’s loyalty in German principalities Jülich-Berg (1642-1652) and Hesse-Cassel (1646-1655)’, in: Quiros Rosado, Roberto and Bravo Lozano, Cristina, Los hilos de Penélope. Lealtad y fidelidades en la Monarquía de España (1648-1714). (Valencia : Albatros Ediciones, 2015), pp. 57-66.

Chapters | Non-peer reviewed

Härter, K., Romein, C. A., & Wüst, W. B. (2024). Acknowledgement. Journal for digital legal history.

Romein, C. A., Volkaert, F., Wagner, A., Malaspina, E. F., Bellis-Phan, N., Dijck, G. V., Costa, A. B. D. A., Robertson, S., & Heirbaut, D. (2023). Editorial and Acknowledgements. Journal for digital legal history, 2023(1).

Romein, C.A. (2022). ‘2006: Dieren in de volksvertegenwoordiging.’ In L. Heerma van Voss, N. Bouras, M. ’t Hart, M. van der Heijden and L. Lucassen, Nog meer wereldgeschiedenis van Nederland (Amsterdam), pp. 672-677.


Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2020). Entangled Histories.

HTR-models (embedded within Transkribus)

Rachael Ball, Geoffrey Parker, the Hispanic Society of America, C.A Romein, Transkribus Public HTR+ Model: Carlos V/ Charles V Cómo ser rey_1543

Tom Gribnau, Pim Boer, Leo Nellissen, Paul Begheyn SJ, Charles Caspers  en C.A. Romein (2020), Transkribus Public Model: NeoLatin_Ravenstein_1643-1772.

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2019). Transkribus Public Model Pylaia: Dutch_Gothic_Print.

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2019). Transkribus Public Model Pylaia: Dutch_Romantype_Print.

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2019). Transkribus Public Model Pylaia: French_18thC_print.

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2019). Transkribus Public Model HTR+: Dutch_Gothic_Print.

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2019). Transkribus Public Model HTR+: Dutch_Romantype_Print.

Romein, C.A., Veldhoen, S.F. & de Gruijter, M. (2019). Transkribus Public Model HTR+: French_18thC_print.


Romein, C.A., Fuchs, I., Schillemans, B., Heijmans, I. (2021), Podcast Leugens in het land. Vijftiende-eeuwse muziek rond Reynaerts historie. Aflevering 5 Bedriegers aan de macht – over de actualiteit van macht en moraal in een laatmiddeleeuws dierenepos.

Blogs/ valorisation

Romein, C.A., Bes, R. and Oosterhuis, J.J. (2022), ‘Dossier 1572 – Sancties tegen ‘piraten, zee-roovers, ledigh-gangers, [en] quaet-geboefte’’ Historici Dossier 1572.

Romein, C.A., Oosterhuis, J.J. and Bes, R. (2022), ‘Dossier 1572 – Overheidscommunicatie tégen de Geuzen: plakkaten in context’ Historici Dossier 1572.

Romein, C.A. (2020) How to run a country: Early Modern Style? (blog). History; British Historical Association.

Romein, C.A. (2019). Plakkaten classificeren met de computer? (blog). KB National Library of the Netherlands. (available: 28 Jun 2019).

Romein, C.A. (2019). Digital Humanities and Legal History Can the computer read and classify ordinances? (blog). ESCLH; Koninklijke Bibliotheek. (available: 30 Aug 2019).

Romein, C.A. (2019). The Challenge of Using Digital and Digitised Sources for Journals and Articles: An ECR-Editor’s View. (blog). Wiley. (available: 13 Nov 2019).

Romein, C.A. (2020). Entangled Histories: bumps in the road and bursts of success. (blog). Koninklijke Bibliotheek. (available: 6 Jan 2020).

Romein, C.A. (2020). Entangled Histories: Segmentation. (blog). Koninklijke Bibliotheek. (available: 6 Jan 2020).

Romein, C.A. (2020). Entangled Histories: OCR + HTR = ATR: Automatic Text Recognition. (blog). Koninklijke Bibliotheek. (available: 6 Jan 2020).

C.A. Romein (2016), ‘Seventeenth century political communications. The nobility’s perception of the prince’s policy (1642-1655)’, EmbrACE 62 The power of storytelling (April 2016), pp. 29-30.

C.A. Romein (2014, 12 November), vrede-van-xanten


Romein, C. A. (2023). Book review: Jennifer Guiliano, A primer for Teaching Digital History. Ten Design Principles (Duke 2022). Journal for digital legal history, 1(1).

Romein, A. (2022). Review of: Christopher W. Close, State Formation and Shared Sovereignty. The Holy Roman Empire and the Dutch Republic, 1488-1696. Early Modern Low Countries.

ROMEIN, C. A. (2022). Review of: What is Early Modern History? By Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks. Historyn/a(n/a).

Romein, C. A. (2021). Government Use of Print: Official Publications in the Holy Roman Empire, 1500–1600. By Saskia Limbach. Vittorio Klostermann. 2021. xviii + 347pp. €79.00. History.

Romein, C.A. (2020). New perspectives on power and political representation from ancient history to the present day: repertoires of representation [Book review New perspectives on power and political representation from ancient history to the present day: repertoires of representation]. Parliaments, Estates and Representation.

Romein, C.A. (2018). Book review Arthur der Weduwen, Dutch and Flemish Newspapers of the Seventeenth Century, 1618-1700. BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review. 132.

Romein, C.A. (2017). Book review Manon van der Heijden, Women and Crime in Early Modern Holland. Holland.

Romein, C.A. (2017). CARLO LEJEUNE (Hg.): Grenzerfahrungen: Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens Band 2: Tuche, Töpfe, Theresianischer Kataster (1500-1794) [Book review Grenzerfahrungen: Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens Band 2: Tuche, Töpfe, Theresianischer Kataster (1500-1794)]. Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter, 81, 436-438.

Romein, C.A. (2017), Book review Jasper van der Steen, Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 (Leiden/ Boston: Brill 2015, 370 pp, ISBN: 9789004300484) €115,00. BMGN-LCHR

Romein, C.A. (2017). Johannes Müller, Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt: The Narrated Diaspora, 1550-1750 [Book review Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt: The Narrated Diaspora, 1550-1750]. Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden (online).

Romein, C.A. (2016). Book review Lotte Jensen (eds.), Roots of Nationalism The Roots of Nationalism. National Identity Formation in Early Modern Europe, 1600-1815 (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016, 342 pp, ISBN: 9789462981072) € 99, – or Open Access: BMGN-LCHR

Romein, C.A. (2016). Book review Peter Nissen & Hein van der Bruggen, Roermond. Biografie van een stad en haar bewoners Maaslandse Monografieën Grote Serie Deel 12 (Verloren, Hilversum 2014), 659, ISBN: 978-90-8704-192-2; €35,00. Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter, 456-458.

Romein, C.A. (2016). Experiencing exile: Huguenot refugees in the Dutch Republic, 1680-1700 [Review of: D.C. van der Linden, Experiencing exile: Huguenot refugees in the Dutch Republic, 1680-1700. (Farnham & Burlington, VT, Ashgate, 2015, xx + 289 pp., £75.00 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-4724-2927-8)) Seventeenth Century, 384-385.

Romein, C.A. (2016). Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic. [Review of:  August den Hollander, Alex Noord, Mirjam van Veen and Anna Voolstra (eds), Religious Minorities and Cultural Diversity in the Dutch Republic: Studies presented to Piet Visser on the occasion of his 65th birthday (Leiden & Boston, Brill, 2014, pp. ix + 286, h/b. €99.00/$128.00, ISBN: 978-9-004-27326-9) Seventeenth Century, 385-387

Romein, C.A. (2014). Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653) and the patriotic monarch. Patriarchalism in seventeenth-century political thought. [Review of: C. Cuttica, Sir Robert Filmer (1588-1653) and the patriotic monarch. Patriarchalism in seventeenth-century political thought. (Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2012, x + 283pp. $ 105,00, ISBN 978-0-7190-8374-7) The Seventeenth Centuryvolume 29, no. 4 (2014).

Romein, C.A. (2014). Adel en ridderschap in Gelderland. [Bespreking van het boek: C.O.A. Schimmelpenninck van der Oije, F. Keverling Buisman, M.V.T. Tenten F.J.W. van Kan (eds.), Adel en ridderschap in Gelderland. Tien eeuwen geschiedenis (Zwolle, WBooks, 2013, 384 pp., €49,95, ISBN 9789066304505)BMGN-LCHRvolume 129 (2004).

Romein, C.A. (2014). Oorlogsliteratuur in de vroegmoderne tijd. [Bespreking van het boek: L. Jensen en N. Geerdink (red.), Oorlogsliteratuur in de vroegmoderne tijd. Vorm, identiteit en herinnering. (Hilversum: Verloren, 2013, 240 blz., € 25,-, ISBN 9789087043414)] BMGN – LCHRvolume 129 (2044).

Romein, C.A. (2014). Protestant cosmopolitanism and diplomatic culture: Brandenburg– Swedish relations in the seventeenth century [Review: Protestant cosmopolitanism and diplomatic culture: Brandenburg– Swedish relations in the seventeenth century]. The Seventeenth Century. Volume 29Issue 2, (2014) 219-221.

Romein, C.A. (2014). Olivia Horsfall Turner, “The Mirror of Great Britain”: national identity in seventeenth-century British architecture [Review: “The Mirror of Great Britain”: national identity in seventeenth-century British architecture]. The Seventeenth Century. Volume 29Issue 2, (2014) 212-214.

Romein, C.A. (2014). Die Erschaffung der landständischen Verfassung: Kreativität, Heuchelei und Repräsentation in Hessen (1509–1655) [Review: Die Erschaffung der landständischen Verfassung: Kreativität, Heuchelei und Repräsentation in Hessen (1509–1655)]. German History(online/ journal).